Allah commanded Prophet Dawud ‘alayhis-salaam saying: “Make full-length armor, and ˹perfectly˺ calculating and balancing the links, and do righteous work. I see all the things you do.” [Surah Sabaa’ 34: 11] . Look at the part of this ayah where Allah says: وقدر في ٱلسرد {wa qaddir fee as-sard} “and ˹perfectly˺ calculating and balancing the links” . There is a …
The Value of Masjid Al Aqsa | Majed Mahmoud
#MasjidAlAqsa #Palestine #Allah Masjid Al Aqsa is one of the holiest masjids in Islam. A lot of people are unaware of many of the virtues of the masjid. What is special about Masjid Al Aqsa? What do we know about it? Connect with me👇🏼 Instagram: @majedmahmoud Facebook: @majedmahmoud Twitter: @majedmahmoud2
Prophets Dawood & Suleiman Series – 1 of 4 – Taloot vs. Jaloot – (Self Control & Patience)
#ProphetStories #Selfcontrol #Sheikh The golden era and age of bani Israel, the children of Israel, was during the prophethood of Dawood, David, and his son, Suleiman, Solomon. In their stories there is truly a lesson for people of reason. Ch: 12 V:111 We start with Prophet Dawood when he was young and had to fight Jaloot, Goliath. Here are the …