In this video, Sh. Majed Mahmoud shares with us an amazing story narrated by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ regarding a man and his crew who arrived at an unknown island after a month of strenuous travel on the ocean. Upon their arrival, they first came across a strange beast called al-Jassasah who directed them to a monastery. Fearing this beast to …
Ep 8 | Dead Body of Prophet Yusuf & Qarun The Evil Man | Majed Mahmoud
#Qarun #Yusuf #Korah There was an old lady from Bani Israel which Prophet Muhammad ﷺ wants us to learn from and be inspired by. She had a golden opportunity to make a wish. The old lady made the smartest wish ever. In this episode also, we start talking about Qarun. He was a relative of Prophet Musa. He was evil, …
There was a man who came to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and said: “O Messenger of Allah,…
🔵 There was a man who came to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and said: “O Messenger of Allah, indeed, the legislated acts of Islam have become too much for me, so inform me of a thing that I should stick to.” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Let not your tongue cease to be moist with the remembrance of Allah.” [At-Tirmidhi 3375 | …