The Rights of Women in Islam

The Rights of Women in Islam

#WomenRights #Islam #Oppression A severe WARNING against oppressing women, be they daughters, sisters, wives or mothers. In the largest gathering of men. The status of women in Islam is very dignified. During the last few months of the life of the greatest man, Muhammad (ﷺ). On the day of Arafah, the greatest day the sun has ever risen upon. The …

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Prophets Dawood & Suleiman Series - 1 of 4 - Taloot vs. Jaloot - (Self Control & Patience)

Prophets Dawood & Suleiman Series – 1 of 4 – Taloot vs. Jaloot – (Self Control & Patience)

#ProphetStories #Selfcontrol #Sheikh The golden era and age of bani Israel, the children of Israel, was during the prophethood of Dawood, David, and his son, Suleiman, Solomon. In their stories there is truly a lesson for people of reason. Ch: 12 V:111 We start with Prophet Dawood when he was young and had to fight Jaloot, Goliath. Here are the …

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