Brothers and sisters, how fast do we respond to the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ…

Brothers and sisters, how fast do we respond to the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ? I want to share with you the following hadith: 🔵 There was a man who was eating with his left hand while in the presence of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Prophet said: ❝Eat with your right hand.❞ The man said: ❝I cannot do it.❞ The …

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7 Ramadan Habits Of The Prophet ﷺ | Majed Mahmoud

7 Ramadan Habits Of The Prophet ﷺ | Majed Mahmoud

Shaykh Majed Mahmoud discusses 7 Ramadan habits that the Prophet ﷺ had during his life. What are they? How did he carry them out? What are some tips and steps we can take to practice these habits? Connect with me! Instagram – Facebook – Twitter –

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Those Who Follow The Prophet  اتباع النبي ﷺ | Group 10 of 10

Those Who Follow The Prophet اتباع النبي ﷺ | Group 10 of 10

#ProphetMuhammad #Allah #Sunnah The teaching and saying of the Prophet ﷺ are an essential part of our deen. It is important to follow the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ. If you follow the Prophet ﷺ, you will be a part of all the 10 groups Allah loves. In this video, we discuss 10th and final category: Those Who Follow Prophet …

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4 AMAZING Ramadan Offers You SHOULD Know

4 AMAZING Ramadan Offers You SHOULD Know

#Ramadan #Khutbah #Imam To be motivated for Ramadan you have got to know what does it offer and what makes it so special. In this khutbah, we discuss 4 amazing offers Allah provides us especially for Ramadan. Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, ascended the pulpit and he said, “Amin, amin, amin.” It was said, …

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5 Powerful Steps To Connect With The Quran

5 Powerful Steps To Connect With The Quran

#Khutbah #Quran #Ramadan2021 Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: I am leaving you with something If you hold tight to then you will never ever go astray… He (ﷺ) said: كِتَابَ اللَّهِ The Book of Allah It is the food for our soul: – If we cut our connection with the Quran, we cut the main source of spiritual supply, then we …

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Forgiveness Before You Sleep | Episode 5 | Majed Mahmoud

Forgiveness Before You Sleep | Episode 5 | Majed Mahmoud

#ProphetMuhammad #DhulHijjah #Dua The Prophet ﷺ said that whoever says the following while going to bed, Allah will forgive all of their sins even if they were as much as the foam of the ocean. لا إله إلا اللهُ وحده لا شريك له ، له الملكُ ، وله الحمدُ ، وهو على كلِّ شيءٍ قديرٌ ، لاحولَ ولا قوةَ إلا …

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4 Duas You Need To Know | Episode 4 | Majed Mahmoud

4 Duas You Need To Know | Episode 4 | Majed Mahmoud

#ProphetMuhammad #DhulHijjah #Dua The Prophet ﷺ told us to repeat these 4 duas 3 times after fajr. When done, the reward of it will outweigh any worship you have done. What are the duas? [Hadith Reference: Sahih Muslim] SHARE this video with your friends and family ✨ Connect with me👇🏼 Instagram: @majedmahmoud Facebook: @majedmahmoud Twitter: @majedmahmoud2

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Priceless Words | Episode  3 | Majed Mahmoud

Priceless Words | Episode 3 | Majed Mahmoud

#Forgiveness #DhulHijjah #ProphetMuhammad The Prophet ﷺ told Ali Ibn Abi Talib (رضي الله عنه) words that if are said, all of your sins would be forgiven by Allah. What are those words? SHARE this with your Friends and Family ✨ [Video Reference: Sahih Al-Jami’] Connect with me👇🏼 Instagram: @majedmahmoud Facebook: @majedmahmoud Twitter: @majedmahmoud2

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6 Things that happen when Allah Loves you - Majed Mahmoud

6 Things that happen when Allah Loves you – Majed Mahmoud

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