Allah blessed Prophet Lut ‘alayhis-salaam with wisdom & knowledge. He was wise, …

Allah blessed Prophet Lut ‘alayhis-salaam with wisdom & knowledge. He was wise, spoke well, knew what to say, when to say, how to say. Yet with all of these traits, his people rejected him.
Many of us know about the story of his people. They chose the unnatural way to fulfill their desires, chose filth over purity, did evil that no other human being had ever done before. Prophet Lut kept advising them, calling them to have taqwa of Allah:
🔵 “Do you really lust after men, abuse the travelers, and practice immorality (openly) in your gatherings?” His people’s only response was to say (mockingly): Bring Allah’s punishment upon us if what you say is true!” [Al-Ankaboot 29 : 29] .
Look at how they mocked Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. They mocked the people of faith, rejected Prophet Lut’s advice completely & wanted to expel him & his family:
🔵 “But his people’s only response was to say: Expel the family of Lut from your city. Indeed, they are people who keep themselves pure!” [An-Naml 27 : 56] .
Prophet Lut’s crime in their eyes was because he wanted society to be pure & modest, but they didn’t want such principles. They flipped purity & modesty into backward & negative traits instead. But Prophet Lut remained steadfast. He said:
🔵 “…Indeed, I am of those who disapprove with severe anger and fury (of) your (evil) action.” [Ash-Shu’ara 26 : 168]

Prophet Lut made a clear, non-negotiable statement to them – that he would always hate such filthy behavior & that he would always advise & warn people against it. He also made du’a to Allah:
🔵 “My Rabb, save me and my family from (the consequences of) what they do.” [Ash-Shu’ara 26 : 169] .
Prophet Lut knew that when this evil deed became prominent in society, and nobody else was going to stop each other from doing it, Allah’s wrath would eventually come. So he made du’a to Allah, asking for His protection for him & his believing family from such punishment. Indeed, there are many lessons we can take from the story of Prophet Lut.
May Allah make us people of modesty & purity, who do not turn their desires as god. May Allah guide and protect us & our loved ones from such fitnah, and from His punishment. Ameen.

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