How to be the Best of Servants of Allah (Ibadur-Rahman)

How to be the Best of Servants of Allah (Ibadur-Rahman)

Nearing the end of Surah al-Furqan, Allah describes to us about an amazing group of believers whom He calls Ibadur-Rahman (servants of The Most Merciful). In this beneficial lecture, Sh. Majed Mahmoud shares with us 8 beautiful characteristics of Ibadur-Rahman that we should strive to develop for ourselves.

00:00 – Introduction
05:09 – First trait
14:06 – Second trait
15:40 – Third trait
23:20 – Fourth trait
28:44 – Fifth trait
45:02 – Sixth trait
50:18 – Seventh trait
51:23 – Eighth trait
55:01 – The reward for Ibadur-Rahman

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Comments 9

  1. @zaydenosvin

    As Salam Alikum Brother Majed i am Muhammad Talha from India..

    Allhumdulillah i have finished Prophet's SAW serat playlist today amazing narration,

    Jazakallah for this video, a beautiful gem this one! ❤❤❤ May Allah bless you with good health..Ameen

  2. @Fara-pz3ip

    @dzynerr … Why don’t you add +

    Those who do not compromise their Deen and refuse to send their children to schools where satanic ideologies are embedded throughout all the subjects

    Those who refuse to pay income tax to the governments who use this money to slaughter their own brothers and sisters

    Those who don’t buy houses / cars on riba and thus don’t start war with Allah SWT and His messenger

    Those who migrate to Muslim majority lands with the intention of establishing khalafaat rule

    Those who sacrifice their lives for the establishment of their Deen

  3. @Dzynerr

    Qualities of to the Best Servants of Allah SWT (Ibadur-Rahman).

    1- Those who walk the earth humbly and when foolish address them they only respond with peace.
    2- Those who spend good portion of the night, prostrating themselves and standing before their Lord Allah SWT.
    3- They specifically make dua for protection from the hell fire.
    4- They are careful in the way they spend. Not to excessive not to stingy.
    5- Those who don't invoke any other god besides Allah SWT nor take a human life nor fornicate.
    6- Those who don't bear false witness and when they come across falsehood, they pass it by with dignity.
    7- When they're reminded of Allah SWT, they're not ignorant towards it. They take truthfulness/advise seriously.
    8- They make dua about pious spouse and offspring and always include their family in their duas. They ask Allah SWT to be role model for other people.

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