In ayaat 77 – 81 of Surah Hud, Allah informs about a group of incredibly handsom…

In ayaat 77 – 81 of Surah Hud, Allah informs about a group of incredibly handsome guests who came to Prophet Lut ‘alayhis-salaam. When Prophet Lut saw them, he became distressed because he knew how his people would behave if they found out about them.

But the news of their arrival went viral, spread like wildfire. Who spread the news? The wife of Prophet Lut herself.

So the people started rushing towards them. Seeing this, Prophet Lut pleaded: O my people, my daughters (including other respected women) are purer for you (for marriage) if you want to start a new page & change your ways. Have taqwa of Allah! Don’t humiliate me & don’t disrespect my guests! Is there not a single person amongst you who is in the right mind!

But they told Prophet Lut that he knew exactly what they desired. Look at their vile behavior! Prophet Lut said: I wish I was strong so I could punish you all, or that I had strong supporters to stop this!

But the people, with no shame, pushed their way towards the guests. Suddenly Allah caused them to be blind [Al-Qamar 54:37] & this was their first punishment.

The guests then said to Prophet Lut: We are messengers from Allah (i.e. angels). Your people won’t be able to harm you. Evacuate tonight with your believing family & don’t look back – except your wife; she will certainly suffer the same fate as others.

We might think: the wife of Prophet Lut didn’t participate in these evil actions, so why did she have to suffer equally? Because she encouraged it, supported it, promoted it, facilitated a way for them to act on their desires – and thus she was one of them.

The next day, Allah sent His punishment upon them in 3 ways [Al-Hijr 15:73-74] 1. A terrible loud noise woke them all up
2. The land was flipped upside down
3. Rough rocks rained & hit every single one of them.

And at the end, Allah says: “Surely in this are signs for those who contemplate.” [Al-Hijr 15:75]

The story of the people of Prophet Lut is a sign for those who see & understand the severe consequences of such sins. May we all take heed from these lessons. O Allah, protect us & our loved ones from this fitnah & don’t make us among those who encourage & support it, ameen.

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