#TheGoldCalf #Samiri #BaniIsrael Musa gets notified that during his absence his people have been worshipping an idol in the shape of a cow. How did that happen within 40 nights of him being absent? Who is responsible for leading them astray? What is the story of the gold calf? Who is As-samiri? Why did Harun not physically put a stop …
Ramadan’s Last Night & Zakat Al Fitr | Majed Mahmoud
#Ramadan #ZakatulFitr #LaylatulQadr It is all about the ending. There are clear authentic narrations regarding Laylatul-Qadr being possibly on the 29th and the last night of Ramadan. Strive to work as hard as possible till the last moment. Also, during the last days of Ramadan, one should give Zakatul-Fitr. An obligatory charity on every capable man, woman, young and old. …
What You Need to Know About Taqwa & Ramadan – Motivational | Majed Mahmoud
#Taqwa #Ramadan #PurposeOfGod What is the purpose of our creation? Why did God create us? If it is to worship Him then what is the purpose of worshiping God? The purpose of every act of worship is to attain taqwa. God clearly said that He commanded us to worship Him so that we may attain taqwa. See Chapter 2 Verse …
Ep 6 | The Nine Miracles & The End of Pharaoh | The Story of Musa
#StoryOfMusa #SeaSplit #Pharoah When the magicians of Pharaoh accepted Islam and the message of Musa and Harun, Pharaoh became so angry. There was a true-believing man who stood in the face of Pharaoh to defend Prophet Musa. And Allah sent sign upon sign, 9 of them, to Pharaoh and his people. But they still did not believe. Allah eventually revealed …
Prophet Lut & His People | Majed Mahmoud
#ProphetLut #Allah #Islam What do we know about the story of Prophet Lut and his people? The people of Prophet Lut chose filth over purity. They chose to fulfill their desires in a prohibited way. . . . Connect with me👇🏼 Instagram: @majedmahmoud Facebook: @majedmahmoud Twitter: @majedmahmoud2
4 AMAZING Ramadan Offers You SHOULD Know
#Ramadan #Khutbah #Imam To be motivated for Ramadan you have got to know what does it offer and what makes it so special. In this khutbah, we discuss 4 amazing offers Allah provides us especially for Ramadan. Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, ascended the pulpit and he said, “Amin, amin, amin.” It was said, …