Ep 14 | Prophet Musa Seeks Knowledge from Al-Khidr | Majed Mahmoud

Ep 14 | Prophet Musa Seeks Knowledge from Al-Khidr | Majed Mahmoud

#Khidr #SeekingKnowledge #Khutbah Prophet Musa delivers a moving sermon to Bani Israel. Afterwards, he gets asked an interesting question. The answer to the question helped so many people from the ummah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Let’s come along and learn about the journey of Prophet Musa towards seeking knowledge from Al-Khidr. 18 : 60 And ˹remember˺ when Moses said to …

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Ep 13 | Musa Command’s Bani Israel to Enter The Holy Land | Majed Mahmoud

Ep 13 | Musa Command’s Bani Israel to Enter The Holy Land | Majed Mahmoud

#Jerusalem #AlAqsa #BaniIsrael Prophet Musa and Bani Israel arrived near the Holy Land. In it were tyrants and evil people who lived. Prophet Musa was promised by Allah that if Bani Israel entered the Holy Land they would be victorious. Prophet Musa and two other believers did their best to motivate the rest of the people to trust the promise …

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Ep 12 | Musa’s Extreme Anger & The Golden Calf by The Samiri | Majed Mahmoud

Ep 12 | Musa’s Extreme Anger & The Golden Calf by The Samiri | Majed Mahmoud

#TheGoldCalf #Samiri #BaniIsrael Musa gets notified that during his absence his people have been worshipping an idol in the shape of a cow. How did that happen within 40 nights of him being absent? Who is responsible for leading them astray? What is the story of the gold calf? Who is As-samiri? Why did Harun not physically put a stop …

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Ep 11 | Musa and Allah Meet Again & The Torah is Revealed | Majed Mahmoud

Ep 11 | Musa and Allah Meet Again & The Torah is Revealed | Majed Mahmoud

#Torah #GodsPlan #Bible This is the second time Allah and Musa meet. In the first meeting, Allah guided Musa and Harun on how to deal mainly with Pharaoh. However, in this second meeting, Allah will guide Musa on how to deal with Bani Israel. Allah appointed for Prophet Musa thirty nights plus ten, to get ready for the big and …

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Ep 10 | Bani Israel’s Complete Life Change After Crossing the Sea | Majed Mahmoud

Ep 10 | Bani Israel’s Complete Life Change After Crossing the Sea | Majed Mahmoud

#AfterExodus #BaniIsrael #GoodLife Remember very well what Prophet Musa told Bani Israel when they complained about their suffering under Pharaoh. The first told Musa: “We have always been oppressed—before and after you came to us ˹with the message˺.” And Prophet Musa replied: “Perhaps your Lord will destroy your enemy and make you successors in the land to see what you …

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Ep 9 | Qarun & The Good & Evil of Money & Fame | Majed Mahmoud

Ep 9 | Qarun & The Good & Evil of Money & Fame | Majed Mahmoud

#Qarun #Arrogance #Gratitude Qarun was given some of the best advice ever. However, he rejected them all and was one of the most ungrateful human beings. His fame and money got into his head. Allah has shared with us the beautiful conversations the general public had regarding money and fame, its benefits and harms. Remember, the Prophet ﷺ said: “Allah …

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Ep 7 | The Wish of Bani Israel Right After the Sea Split | The Story of Musa

Ep 7 | The Wish of Bani Israel Right After the Sea Split | The Story of Musa

#SeaSplit #IdolWorship #BaniIsrael Where is Pharaoh and his soldiers now, as you read this? There are sins that don’t get erased in this life and are carried with the person till they meet Allah. How to repent from sins is a matter all believers should be aware of. Though Bani Israel just crossed the sea they saw a group of …

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Ep 6 | The Nine Miracles & The End of Pharaoh | The Story of Musa

Ep 6 | The Nine Miracles & The End of Pharaoh | The Story of Musa

#StoryOfMusa #SeaSplit #Pharoah When the magicians of Pharaoh accepted Islam and the message of Musa and Harun, Pharaoh became so angry. There was a true-believing man who stood in the face of Pharaoh to defend Prophet Musa. And Allah sent sign upon sign, 9 of them, to Pharaoh and his people. But they still did not believe. Allah eventually revealed …

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Ep 5 | It's Showtime: Musa vs. Pharaoh & The Magicians | The Story of Musa

Ep 5 | It’s Showtime: Musa vs. Pharaoh & The Magicians | The Story of Musa

#Pharoah #Musa #Magic – After Musa received revelation, he faced Pharaoh and called him to Allah and to free Bani Israel. – He presented him with proofs of his prophethood – However, Pharaoh and his advisors advised that they are to challenge the signs he presented and go on for a battle SHARE this video with your friends and family …

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